就在陳金鋒確定參加中華職棒2006新人選拔會,也被La new熊挑成選秀狀元的同時,傳出秀峰國中出身的左投葉丁仁被波士頓紅襪看中,僅管被兄弟象以探花的高順位挑中,但葉丁仁在選秀當晚,尚未與兄弟碰面之前,還是與紅襪簽約。


追逐旅美球員這麼多年,早就體認到會面臨選手歸巢的日子,只是沒料到陳金鋒竟然是第一位,也沒想到陳金鋒在小聯盟七年合約結束後,連日本職棒都沒去成,就 直接打道回台灣,陳金鋒的返台自然是選中他的La new熊與中華職棒雀躍不已,球迷也能更近距離的直擊陳金鋒。但我還是高興不起來,畢竟不忍心他待在如此惡劣的環境;但這是他的決定,不是當事人的我們只 有尊重,沒有其他話可說。

至於仍在台灣打拼的選手,不論是職業、業餘、大學或高中,腦袋裡多少都有著類似的想法--不管是日本或是美國,要是能出國闖一闖該有多好,去外面看看世界 有多大;也許路途遙遠艱辛,也許連上大聯盟的機會都沒有,但還是一無反顧勇往直前。對球迷而言,可能有聽過,但沒在腦海裡卻留下多少印象的葉丁仁,在兄弟 開價之前,接受紅襪不到十萬美元少少的簽約金,往美國邁進,這是他的決定,不是當事人的我們只有尊重,沒有其他話可說。



對於年輕選手而言,則是出外闖的好時機,自從去年下半年來,就有多位球員打包往外發展,像姜建銘(日職讀賣巨人)、羅國輝(美職西雅圖水手)、林彥鋒(美 職費城費城人)、陽耀勳(日職軟體銀行鷹),甚至在誠泰COBRAS的林英傑(日職東北樂天金鷹),都一致決定出走,留在這裡的球員如潘威倫、林恩宇等 人,也都不放棄旅外的機會。

選手們會有這樣的舉動,自然和國內的環境有很大的關係。日本、韓國優秀的年輕球員,絕對都以日職、韓職為第一目標,希望等到成熟以後再往美國探路。但台灣 的職棒環境,除了搖頭只能嘆氣,雖然有先台職後NPB的案例(如曹竣揚、許銘傑等),但之前的下場都不太理想。原因並非選手的才能或資質有問題,而是長期 待在中華職棒裡,很難進步。一旦錯過發展成長的時間,想要突破實在不容易,就算後悔也來不及。


就葉丁仁而言,儘管高齡22歲,令人好奇的是,他為什麼會麼想出國,完全不考慮CPBL?除了之前葉丁仁曾經錯失機會外,只能說中華職棒該檢討吧,雖然是 被國內職棒人氣第一名的兄弟象隊選到,但整體條件和先進的美國職棒還是有差。就算沒能上大聯盟,但所學到的東西和累積的技術,在台灣絕對不可能重現。

此外,由於訓練品質夠,旅外選手選上國家隊的機會大增,中華職棒的簽約金和薪水實在不太好看;即便出國的簽約金少,但搞不好還比中華職棒高,上大聯盟後就 會像王建民那樣名利雙收,若不成功回台灣後,薪水也勢必會三級跳;此外國外有良好的醫術,也不用擔心留在台灣被黑道恐嚇的可能,一年一次的機會碰上一生可 能還沒有一次的機會,想必你我也會有一樣的抉擇吧!

當然,由於紅襪告知想簽約的時間,讓他出國的決定剛好發生在選秀前後,也影響到國內球團的權益,但畢竟選秀前中華職棒聯盟就已經知道葉丁仁可能出國的消 息,雖然他表明願意參加選秀,但別忘記,選秀挑中的球員只有和球團談判的義務,卻沒有必須加盟的義務,也許處理事情上有點瑕疵,但他畢竟還年輕,總不可能 事事都完美。


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從傳出陳金鋒可能回國,到陳金鋒確定參加選秀,到陳金鋒被La New熊指名為選秀狀元,到陳金鋒正式和La New熊簽約,一連串的事情發展,讓我手足無措,不知道該怎麼才好。


對於從陳金鋒出國開始,七年來幾乎從頭到尾追蹤他的每場大小聯盟比賽,透過無數場網路轉播聆聽他的一舉一動,也曾親臨拉斯維加斯,看到他於Cashman Field球場上馳騁的筆者來說,雖然希望他能光榮歸國,將在美國學到的點點滴滴貢獻給台灣棒球,但不是現在,真的不是現在。

我知道,七年來他真的辛苦了,踏上人生地不熟的美國大陸,從高階1A出發,面對語言不同的隔閡,文化環境的差異,主客場比賽間得坐巴士長途跋涉,還有時差 要適應,小聯盟的日子真得很難過,雖然成為第一位上大聯盟的台灣選手,但他始終沒能在MLB站穩腳步,大多時間都在小聯盟吃苦。

我也知道,他時運不濟,棒球之神老是不站在他那一邊:可能的第一分打點因為裁判誤判而遭沒收,2003年因為簽證延誤,導致太晚才趕上春訓,斷送上大聯盟 的機會,還有一次在大聯盟因為比賽延長,道奇臨時決定將他下放,從小聯盟升上投手替補,沒料到隔天先發外野手打不到三局就被判出場,雖然即便他未下放也不 見得能馬上替補,但總是還有機會


我還知道,他總是替中華隊著想,1999年亞洲棒球錦標賽、2001年世界盃棒球錦標賽、2003年亞洲棒球錦標賽與2004年雅典奧運他不知道立下多少 汗馬高勞,要是沒有他,中華隊在世界盃絕對拿不到季軍,也很難掀起這一波棒球熱潮,中華職棒也絕對沒有今日的榮景,搞不好CPBL早就成為歷史名詞。




沒錯,陳金鋒的英姿,和他的一舉手一投足,都將維繫著球迷的心,也和台灣靠得更近,但「委屈」他在此打球,除了不捨與不得外,就只剩下傷心與難過,畢竟, 他值得更好的待遇,在更棒的地方,更高水準的環境裡打球,而不是連球場設施都讓人不堪入目,號稱「職業」卻也從沒展現出職業樣子的中華職棒聯盟。



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職棒老問題 還要講多久
牛抗日混亂 中國拼勁強
亞洲第三的省思 精兵碰上精銳 糗態百出
重挫轟頂 職棒圈該醒了
不做功課又沒鬥志 牛隊表現球迷搖頭




第一場 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 得分 安打 失誤
興農牛 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 6 9 1
中國之星 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0
第二場 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 得分 安打 失誤
三星獅 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 10 0
千葉羅德海洋 3 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 x 6 8 1
第三場 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 得分 安打 失誤
中國之星 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 9 3
三星獅 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 x 8 13 0
第四場 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 得分 安打 失誤
千葉羅德海洋 1 2 0 0 3 1 5

12 10 0
興農 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

1 4 2
第五場 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 得分 安打 失誤
中國之星 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 2
千葉羅德海洋 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 x 3 4 4
第六場 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 得分 安打 失誤
興農牛 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 4 2
三星獅 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 4 5 1
第七場 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 得分 安打 失誤
三星獅 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 13 0
千葉羅德海洋 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 x 5 6 2


隊伍 投手成績 打擊成績





興農 24 382 100 85 20 2 21 9 3 0 0 16 10 3.75 .189 25 374 98 90 17 1 27 5 1 10
中國 25 485 122 93 26 1 18 21 1 0 2 17 13 4.68 .222 27 351 103 99 22 0 19 1 3 4
三星 26 396 106 97 21 1 21 6 1 2 0 12 12 4.15 .304 25 436 116 92 28 0 16 17 1 14
羅德 25 350 95 93 22 0 26 2 0 1 0 4 3 1.08 .253 23 452 106 87 22 3 24 15 0 21

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Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim
Paul Byrd, RHP October 27
*-Jason Christiansen, LHP October 31
Lou Merloni, 3B October 28
Bengie Molina, C October 27
Tim Salmon, DH November 10
Jarrod Washburn, LHP October 28

Baltimore Orioles
James Baldwin, RHP October 31
Jason Grimsley, RHP October 27
Eli Marrero, OF October 27
Rafael Palmeiro, 1B October 28
B.J. Ryan, LHP October 28
Sammy Sosa, OF October 31
B.J. Surhoff, OF November 3

Boston Red Sox
Johnny Damon, OF October 28
Tony Graffanino, 2B October 28
Matt Mantei, RHP November 1
Kevin Millar, 1B October 27
Bill Mueller, 3B October 27
Mike Myers, LHP October 31
John Olerud, 1B-DH November 10

Chicago White Sox
Geoff Blum, 3B October 31
Raul Casanova, C November 1
Carl Everett, DH October 31
Paul Konerko, 1B October 27
Frank Thomas, DH November 8
Chris Widger, C November 2

Cleveland Indians
Scott Elarton, RHP October 27
Juan Gonzalez, OF October 27
Jose Hernandez, 1B October 28
Bob Howry, RHP October 27
Kevin Millwood, RHP October 28
Bob Wickman, RHP October 27

Detroit Tigers
Bobby Higginson, OF October 31
Jason Johnson, RHP October 28
Fernando Vina, 2B October 27
Rondell White, OF October 27

Kansas City Royals
Brian Anderson, LHP October 27
Denny Hocking, OF October 27
Jose Lima, RHP October 27
Joe McEwing, 3B October 31
Scott Sullivan, RHP October 28

Minnesota Twins
Jacque Jones, OF October 28
Joe Mays, RHP October 27
Terry Mulholland, LHP October 27

New York Yankees
Kevin Brown, RHP October 28
Alan Embree, LHP November 3
John Flaherty, C October 27
Tom Gordon, RHP October 28
Matt Lawton, OF October 27
Al Leiter, LHP November 4
Tino Martinez, 1B November 8
Ramiro Mendoza, RHP October 28
Felix Rodriguez, RHP October 27
Rey Sanchez, SS October 28
Ruben Sierra, DH October 27
*-Tanyon Sturtze, RHP November 7
Bernie Williams, OF October 28

Oakland Athletics
Alberto Castillo, C October 31
Octavio Dotel, RHP October 28
Erubiel Durazo, DH October 28
Scott Hatteberg, 1B November 1
Ricardo Rincon, LHP October 27
Jay Witasick, RHP October 28

Seattle Mariners
Dave Hansen, 1B October 28
Shigetoshi Hasegawa, RHP November 1
Jamie Moyer, LHP November 7
Jeff Nelson, RHP October 27
Pokey Reese, SS November 1
Dan Wilson, C October 31

Tampa Bay Devil Rays
Roberto Alomar, 2B November 3
Danny Bautista, OF November 3
Alex S. Gonzalez, 3B October 28
Travis Lee, 1B October 28
Eduardo Perez, 1B October 27

Texas Rangers
Sandy Alomar Jr., C October 28
Doug Brocail, RHP October 31
Greg Colbrunn, 1B October 31
Richard Hidalgo, OF November 1
Steve Karsay, RHP October 28
Kenny Rogers, LHP October 28
John Wasdin, RHP October 27

Toronto Blue Jays


Arizona Diamondbacks
Royce Clayton, SS October 27
Shawn Estes, LHP October 27
Buddy Groom, LHP October 28
Tim Worrell, RHP October 28

Atlanta Braves
Kyle Farnsworth, RHP October 31
Julio Franco, 1B October 27
Rafael Furcal, SS October 31
Todd Hollandsworth, OF October 28
Brian Jordan, OF November 7
Eddy Perez, C October 27
Jay Powell, RHP November 1

Chicago Cubs
Jeromy Burnitz, OF October 27
Nomar Garciaparra, SS October 28
Chad Fox, RHP November 4
Neifi Perez, SS October 31

Cincinnati Reds
*-Rich Aurilia, 2B October 31
Jacob Cruz, OF October 27
Luis Lopez, 3B October 31

Colorado Rockies
Todd Greene, C October 27
Byung-Hyun Kim, RHP October 31
Dan Miceli, RHP October 27
Jamey Wright, RHP November 2

Florida Marlins
Antonio Alfonseca, RHP November 2
A.J. Burnett, RHP October 27
Jeff Conine, OF November 4
Damion Easley, 2B October 28
Juan Encarnacion, OF October 27
Alex Gonzalez, SS October 27
Lenny Harris, 3B October 27
Todd Jones, RHP October 28
Jim Mecir, RHP November 9
Brian Moehler, RHP October 27
Mike Mordecai, 3B November 8
Paul Quantrill, RHP October 27
Ismael Valdez, RHP October 27

Houston Astros
Brad Ausmus, C November 1
Roger Clemens, RHP November 10
Orlando Palmeiro, OF November 9
Russ Springer, RHP November 10
Jose Vizcaino, 2B October 31

Los Angeles Dodgers
Wilson Alvarez, LHP November 10
Paul Bako, C October 31
Elmer Dessens, RHP November 3
Darren Dreifort, RHP October 27
Olmedo Saenz, 1B October 28
Jose Valentin, 3B October 27
Jeff Weaver, RHP October 28

Milwaukee Brewers
Jeff Cirillo, 3B November 4
Rick Helling, RHP October 28
Wes Helms, 3B October 27

New York Mets
Marlon Anderson, 1B October 27
Miguel Cairo, 2B October 28
Mike DiFelice, C October 28
Danny Graves, RHP October 27
*-Felix Heredia, LHP November 10
Roberto Hernandez, RHP November 4
Braden Looper, RHP November 4
Doug Mientkiewicz, 1B November 1
Jose Offerman, 1B October 31
Shingo Takatsu, RHP November 10
Mike Piazza, C October 28
Gerald Williams, OF October 28

Philadelphia Phillies
Terry Adams, RHP November 1
Kenny Lofton, OF November 2
Ramon E. Martinez, SS October 27
Todd Pratt, C November 1
Michael Tucker, OF October 27
Ugueth Urbina, RHP November 1
Billy Wagner, LHP October 27

Pittsburgh Pirates
Brian Meadows, RHP October 28
Jose Mesa, RHP October 28
Rick White, RHP October 28
Daryle Ward, 1B October 27

St. Louis Cardinals
Einar Diaz, C November 1
Cal Eldred, RHP October 27
Mark Grudzielanek, 2B October 27
John Mabry, OF November 4
Matt Morris, RHP October 28
Abraham Nunez, 3B October 27
Al Reyes, RHP November 1
Reggie Sanders, OF October 28
Julian Tavarez, RHP October 28
Larry Walker, OF November 9

San Diego Padres
Pedro Astacio, RHP October 28
Robert Fick, C October 28
Brian Giles, OF October 27
Chris Hammond, LHP October 27
Ramon Hernandez, C October 27
Trevor Hoffman, RHP October 28
Joe Randa, 3B October 27
Rudy Seanez, RHP October 27
Mark Sweeney, 1B October 28
Eric Young, OF November 8

San Francisco Giants
Scott Eyre, LHP October 28
J.T. Snow, 1B October 28
Brett Tomko, RHP November 2

Washington Nationals
Tony Armas, Jr., RHP October 28
Carlos Baerga, 3B October 28
Gary Bennett, C October 28
Hector Carrasco, RHP October 31
Deivi Cruz, 2B October 27
Joey Eischen, LHP October 27
Jeffrey Hammonds, OF November 9
Esteban Loaiza, RHP October 28
Preston Wilson, OF October 27

* -- Provisional election pending resolution of club option on player's contract

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雖 然這篇文章重點是亞洲職棒大賽,但我必須承認,因為平常看不到比賽,韓國職棒和中國大陸棒球並不熟悉,唯一能參考的是三星獅和起亞老虎來台和兄弟、統一的 友誼賽,至於大陸只能從少少的國際賽勉強探知一二,而日本職棒與中華職棒,雖然能透過轉播體驗強弱,但比不上筆者對美國職棒的認識。


民 族性強悍的韓國,一直以來都希望能超越日本,這次的比賽也毫無疑問會全力以赴,筆者認為可能是爭冠大熱門,有機會將日本擊倒,爭取亞洲職棒第一,至於亞洲 霸主的日本,目標都放在美國身上,別忘記羅德總教練Bobby Valentine(當然,不排除是因為爭取太平洋另一端的目光)在贏得日本一後,和MLB嗆聲要爭取真正的世界第一。興農牛的目標看起來十分簡單,就是 擊敗大陸,至於對日、韓則能勝最好,輸球也沒關係,至於中國聯軍則以學習為目的,為兩千零八年奧運作準備。


興農和CBL聯軍之役,一邊攸關面子問題,另一邊則是學習之旅,假如牛隊獲勝,應該就可以鬆一口氣,接下來好好應戰,萬一不幸敗北,那可是台灣棒球最大的 挫敗,回來真的不知道該怎麼交代。至於日韓戰,韓國應該會精銳盡出,試圖給日本打擊,並非完全沒機會取勝,關鍵的冠軍戰由日韓再次交手,決定誰才是亞洲第 一,雖然這個第一的象徵意義大於實質意義。


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每年大聯盟都會公布年度行事曆,各項重大活動,如開幕戰、明星賽和世界大賽的時間都一目了然,此外,攸關球員身份,像自由球員、薪資仲裁的時程也都交代的 一清二楚,為了方便自己查閱,也為了之後要寫的文章作準備,在此將所有項目列出,時間從2005年自由球員申請到2006年世界大賽為止。

Oct. 27-Nov. 10, 2005
Free agency filing period

November 7-11, 2005
General managers meeting, Indian Wells, CA.

November 7, 2005
AL & NL Rookie of the Year Award winners announced (2:00 p.m. ET)

November 9, 2005
AL & NL Manager of the Year Award winners announced (2:00 p.m. ET)

November 10, 2005
NL Cy Young Award winner announced (2:00 p.m. ET)

November 10, 2005
Waivers secured on/after Aug. 1, 2005, expire at 5:00 p.m. ET.

November 11, 2005
New waiver period begins. Waivers (exclusive of Special waivers) secured today and after shall be in effect until Feb. 15, 2006.

November 14, 2005
AL Most Valuable Player Award winner announced (2:00 p.m. ET)

November 16, 2005
NL Most Valuable Player Award winner announced (2:00 p.m. ET)

November 16-17, 2005
Owners meeting, Milwaukee.

November 19, 2005
Day to file reserve lists for all Minor League levels and Major Leagues.
Last date to make an off-season outright assignment of an injured player to the Minor Leagues if the player does not meet the requirements listed in Article XIX(C)(b) of the Basic Agreement.

December 5-8, 2005
Winter meetings, Dallas.

December 7, 2005
Last date for former club of player who declared free agency under Article XX (B) to offer salary arbitration. If Club does not offer, then it loses all rights to negotiate with and sign the free agent until May 1 of the next season.

December 8, 2005
Major League Rule 5 Draft

December 19, 2005
Last date for player, who declared free agency under Article XX (B), to accept an arbitration offer from former club. If player rejects offer to go to arbitration, his former club may still negotiate with and sign him until Jan. 8 of next season.

December 20, 2005
Last date to tender contracts.

January 5-15, 2006
Salary arbitration filing.

January 8, 2006
Last day until May 1 for free agents who rejected arbitration offers to re-sign with their former teams.

January 18, 2006
Exchange of salary arbitration figures.

February 1-21, 2006
Salary arbitration hearings.

February 16, 2006
Voluntary reporting date for pitchers, catchers and injured players.

February 21, 2006
Voluntary reporting date for other players.

February 28, 2006
Mandatory reporting date.

March 2-11, 2006
Teams may renew contracts of unsigned players.

March 3-20, 2006
World Baseball Classic

March 15, 2006
Last day to place a player on unconditional release waivers and pay 30 days termination pay instead of 45 days.

March 29, 2006
Last day to request unconditional release waivers on a player without having to pay his full 2005 salary.

April 2, 2006
Opening Day. Active rosters reduced to 25 players.

July 11, 2006
All-Star Game at Pittsburgh

July 31, 2006
Last day to trade a player without securing waivers.

September 1, 2006
Active rosters expand to 40 players.

October 3, 2006
Division Series begins

October 10, 2006
League Championship Series begins

October 21, 2006
World Series begins

Another view of important dates of MLB2006.

Jan. 4-13 Period in which a player may make submission to arbitration. {Art. VI (F)(5)}

Jan. 8 Last day during off-season that former Clubs may re-sign Article XX(B) free agents were offered, but refused arbitration. Thereafter, Clubs may not re-sign such players until May 1. {Art. XX (B)(3)}

Jan. 17 All Clubs must submit their Salary Arbitration filing figures to the Labor Relations Department ("LRD") by 12:00 p.m. ET. The LRD and Major League Baseball Players Association ("MLBPA") will exchange salary arbitration filing figures in the afternoon.

Feb. 1-20 Salary arbitration hearings held. {Art. VI (F)(5)}

Feb. 15 Waivers secured on/after November 11th expire at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Feb. 16 - New waiver period begins. Waivers (exclusive of Special waivers) secured on/after this date are good through 5:00 p.m. ET May 1. {MLR 10(f)}

- First date injured players, pitchers and catchers may be invited to attend spring training workouts. {Art. XIV (A)}

Feb. 21 First date all other players may be invited to attend spring training workouts. {Art. XIV (A)}

Feb. 28 Mandatory date players are required to report for first spring training workout. {Art. XIV(A)}

March 2 First date to renew contracts. Ten-day renewal period ends on March 11. {U.P.C. Paragraph 10(a)}

March 8 First date Clubs may ask waivers on draft-excluded players acquired after 8/15/05 or players chosen in the 2005 Rule 5 draft meeting (Special Waivers required for all outright assignments to the minor leagues Sept. 1, 2005 through May 1, 2006.) {MLR 10(c)(6)}

March 11 Last date to renew contracts.

March 13 First date draft-excluded/selected players may be assigned to a minor league club. {MLR 6(e) & MLR 10(c)(6)}

March 15 - Last date to trade player who has exercised his right to demand a trade before he is declared an unrestricted free agent (if that player has not exercised his right to retract that demand on or before today). {Art. XX (C)}.

- Last date to request Unconditional Release waivers (By 2:00 p.m. ET) to be secured by March 17, in order to owe only 30 days termination pay. {Art. IX (B)}

In the case of a split contract:
a - The minor league rate of termination pay will be owed if U.R. waivers are requested by 2:00 p.m. today.

b - The Major League rate of termination pay will be owed if U.R. waivers are requested AFTER 2:00 p.m. today. {Art. IX (D)}

THE ABOVE DOES NOT APPLY to players who cannot be assigned to the minor leagues without their consent and for players selected in the preceding Rule 5 draft.

March 16 Unconditional Release waivers requested today until 2:00 p.m. ET March 29th will owe 45 days termination pay. {Art. IX (B)}

March 17 Last day to assign an injured player to a minor league club until the close of the championship season (OUTRIGHT or OPTIONALLY) provided that: (Art. XIX (C)}

a) The player has less than 3 years of Major League service
b) The assignment would not be the player's second (or subsequent) career outright since 3/19/90
c) The player had NO MAJOR LEAGUE SERVICE the prior championship season
d) The player was not selected by the assignor Major League club in the immediately preceding Rule 5 Draft

March 29 Last date to request U.R. waivers by 2:00 p.m. ET, if you will hand, telephone, or fax notice to player, without incurring full season salary. (Owe 45 days termination pay). {Art. IX (B)}

April 2 Official opening of the 2006 championship season. All Clubs are required to cut down rosters to 25 players before April 2.

May 1 - Earliest date former Clubs may re-sign free agent players who were either not offered arbitration, or who were offered arbitration on Dec. 7 and remained unsigned after Jan. 8. {Art. XX (B)(3)}

- Waivers secured on/after Feb. 16 expire at 5:00 p.m. ET

May 2 - This is the 31st day of the 2006 championship season. New waiver period begins. Waivers secured on/after this date are good through 5:00 p.m. ET July 31. {MLR 10(f)}

- Beginning today, outright assignments to the minor leagues may be made ONLY with Outright Waivers in effect.

May 15 Earliest date Clubs may re-sign players that they unconditionally released between midnight Aug. 31, 2005 and April 2, 2006. {MLR 8(i)(2)}

May 30 Start of closed period -- First-Year Player Draft

June 6-7 First-Year Player Draft

June 16 First day Clubs may trade a player who was signed after the expiration of the 15-day free agency election period. A Club may assign the contract prior to this date for other player contracts and/or a cash consideration of no more than $50,000 if the player gives his written consent. {Art. XX (B)(6)}

July 11 All-Star Game at PNC Park -- Pittsburgh, Pa.

July 31 Waivers secured on/after May 2, 2006 expire at 5:00 p.m. ET. Players may be traded between Major League clubs until 4:00 p.m. ET without Major League Waivers in effect {MLR 10(e)(1)}. Major League Waivers in effect between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. ET may only be used for optional assignments.

Aug. 1 New waiver period begins. Beginning today through the last day of the championship season, players may be assigned between Major League clubs ONLY after Major League Waivers have been secured during the current waiver period. {MLR 10(e)(1)}

Aug. 15 Last date to bring player up for "full trial" to avoid draft-excluded status. {MLR 6(e)}

Aug. 31 - Any player unconditionally released between midnight tonight and Opening Day of next season may not be re-signed to a Major League contract by the releasing team until May 15 of the following season. {MLR 8(i)(2)}

- Post-season eligibility lists are established at midnight tonight (MLR 40). To be eligible, a player must be a bona fide member of a qualifying team on Aug. 31 and must remain a bona fide member until the end of the season.

Sept. 1 - Active player limit increased from 25 to 40.

- Beginning today, outright assignments to the minor leagues may be made ONLY with Special Waivers in effect.

Oct. 1 - All players on optional assignment must be recalled. {MLR 11(a)}

- Official closing of the 2006 championship season.

Oct. 2 Beginning today, players may be traded between Major League clubs without waivers in effect.

Oct. 9 Last date to request waivers on draft-excluded players until 25 days prior to the opening of the following season. {MLR 10(c)(6)}

Oct. 10 The beginning of the closed period for Major League waiver requests (Oct. 10 - Nov. 10). Special waivers may still be requested on players that are not draft-excluded for the next Rule 5 draft. {MLR 10(c)(2)}

Oct. 15 - Minor league players with expired terms become minor league free agents at 5:00 p.m. (ET).

- Last day (5:00 p.m. ET) to assign a potential minor league free agent outright to the minor leagues without first being required to have the player signed to a Major League contract for the following season.

Oct. 22 First day clubs can sign a player who became a minor league free agent on Oct. 15 to a contract starting at 3:00 p.m. (ET)

Close of World Series Oct. 15 or the day following the end of the World Series (whichever is later) marks the commencement of the 15-day period during which eligible players may elect free agency or demand a trade. {Art. XX (B)}

Nov. 10 Waivers secured on/after Aug. 1, 2006, expire at 5:00 p.m. ET. {MLR 10(f)}

Nov. 11 New waiver period begins. Waivers (exclusive of Special waivers) secured today and after shall be in effect until Feb. 15, 2007.

Nov. 20 - Day to file reserve lists for all Minor League levels and Major Leagues

- Last date to make an off-season outright assignment of an injured player to the Minor Leagues if the player does not meet the requirements listed in Article XIX(C)(b) of the Basic Agreement.

Dec. 7 - Last date for former club of player who declared free agency under Art. XX (B) to offer salary arbitration. If Club does not offer, then it loses all rights to negotiate with and sign the free agent until May 1st of the next season {Art. XX (B)(3)}

- Major League Rule 5 Draft

Dec. 19 Last date for player, who declared free agency under Art. XX (B), to accept an arbitration offer of former club. If player rejects offer to go to arbitration, his former club may still negotiate with and sign him until January 8th of next season. {Art. XX (B)(3)}

Dec. 20 Last date to tender contracts. {U.P.C. paragraph 10(a)}

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